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Monday Madness

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[SIZE="5"]Q1. A man jumped 150 feet entirely under his own power . He landed safely. How did he do it?

Q2. A man lay dead in a field next to a piece of string and a cloth. How did he die?

Q3. Four men sat down to play.
They played all night till break of day.
They played for gold and not for fun.
With separate scores for everyone.
When they came to square accounts
They all made quite fair amounts.
Can you this paradox explain?
If no one lost how did all gain?



  1. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q1: One foot at a time

    Q2: Flying a kite and died when it hit a power line

    Q3: Were the four men in a band or something like that? So the scores refers to music?
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Q2+Q3 correct mm and well done. :-)
    Tomorrows questions will be much more difficult
  3. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q1: He jumped 150 feet down, doing something like diving or ski jumping

    Now I have locked in on your thought process (nonsense) it's got a lot easier
  4. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=monster_monster;bt3362]Q1: He jumped 150 feet down, doing something like diving or ski jumping

    Now I have locked in on your thought process (nonsense) it's got a lot easier[/QUOTE]

    Yes MM it was a ski jump and well done again. That's the treble for you today and possibly the first treble yet as can't remember right now. My thought process is temporarily in shock. lol :)