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Saturday Questions

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Q1. Two men were asked by their king to carry out a certain task. They did this entirely to his satisfaction and went to him seeking their just reward. However, the king decreed instead that they both be severely punished. Why?

Q2. A man and his dog were found dead in the middle of a field. The man was wearing wading boots. No one else was around. How had they died?


Updated 19-03-11 at 06:12 by magicalman9357



  1. sexyashley's Avatar
    Morning magicman,

    q2) man got a heart attack
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Ashley;bt3328]Morning magicman,

    q2) man got a heart attack :([/QUOTE]

    Great guess Ashley and nice to see you but not the answer. :)
  3. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q2: he was fishing with explosives, when the threw it in the dog retrieved it. When he returned it they both blew up and died.
  4. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q1: As he was their king he expected them to do the task out of love of the king (or something along those lines), by asking for a reward it proved that they were just in it for the cash and it pissed him off
  5. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=monster_monster;bt3332]Q2: he was fishing with explosives, when the threw it in the dog retrieved it. When he returned it they both blew up and died.[/QUOTE]

    Brilliant MM and can't believe you got it just before the midnight bell. Well done. :)
  6. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=monster_monster;bt3333]Q1: As he was their king he expected them to do the task out of love of the king (or something along those lines), by asking for a reward it proved that they were just in it for the cash and it pissed him off[/QUOTE]

    Great attempt MM and here is the answer. :)

    The king had asked the men to design and build the world's strongest strongroom, where he could safely keep his treasures. Once he was fully satisfied with the workings of the strongroom, he had the men executed so that they could tell no one its secrets.