• Study on prostitution in Northern Ireland

    Hi everyone,

    We have received an email from Dr. Susann Huschke of Queen's University in Belfast. She and a team of researchers are are undergoing a study of the sex industry in Northern Ireland and this is commissioned by the Department of Justice so that there is a detailed understanding of the sex industry.

    Dr. Huschke and her team are looking to interview people that either pay for or sell sexual services in Northern Ireland and this information will be invaluable towards this research. Please find below all the necessary information and please do feel free to contact Dr. Huschke should you have any further questions.

    Please do pass on this information to anyone that you think may be able to contribute towards this research; any contributions would be appreciated by the research team.

    Thank you



    What is this about?

    We are doing research on the sex industry in Northern Ireland. The project was commissioned by the Department of Justice and aims to provide a detailed understanding of the sex industry (i.e. who sells which services where and why, and to whom). The findings from the may be used to inform policy and debate within Northern Ireland.

    How can you help?

    We are looking for people to interview – both people who sell and who buy sex. All interviews are anonymous and confidential. We don’t need to know your real name. If we use quotes or information from the interview in the report we will write, they will be anonymized so that that your are not identified.

    Who are we?

    We are a team of researchers based at Queen’s University Belfast and at the National University of Ireland in Galway. Most of the interviews will be undertaken by Susann Huschke. If you would prefer to be interviewed by a male researcher, this can be arranged.

    What’s in it for you?

    You will not be paid to participate in this research project. The interviews are important in terms of informing debate and giving voice to those who sell and pay for sex. This is an opportunity for you to have your voice, experience and issues heard. You are free to not answer questions that make you uncomfortable, and to withdraw from the study at any stage (we will then not use the interview in any material that we produce).

    Are there other ways of participating?

    At a later stage, we will also be doing a survey which can be filled out online anonymously. Both the interviews and the survey are essential and important parts of the study, if you are interested in taking part in one or the other, or both, or if you have any further questions, please contact me via email:

    Dr Susann Huschke
    Queen’s University Belfast
    Email: sexwork.research.NI@gmail.com
    Phone: +44(0) 28 9097 5155
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Study on prostitution in Northern Ireland started by samlad View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. Jackabus's Avatar
      Jackabus -
      really I should not enter here,
      however I listened to radio to day , where the change in the laws in south was the topic of conversation.
      a women on the panel just laughed off poor men etc now cant find a { prostitute } a word I hate.
      women working whom I know a few , are independent and free individuals with their own lives in control. yes they offer their time , a coffee, glass of wine,, and may be massage, even maybe more.
      yes they charge for their time. now the change in the law will frighten clients from visiting a working women. result where the panel missed completely is men calling on working women do so for so many reasons,, and not always to do with sex,, working women are like going to a dentist,, a doctor , a priest.. for comfort . open to chat about any thing ..
      so you are fully aware,, I am totally for protecting women forced into work,, I am totally against crime lords forcing people to do any thing,, and above all ,, where children are concerned ,, absolutely against
      who ever is doing them wrong,, be it within family abuse,, or out side abuse..
      as far as I believe there is a need for women to be allowed to work freely and discreetly open,
      pay their taxes like any business, be that self employed , just the same as going for sports massage,,
      Tantric Massage,, these activities have absolutely nothing to do with sex,, and yes there is a charge for same.. really the UK ,, Ireland .. are way off the mark ,, if this business was structured right as any business ,, legal and above board,, then the real protection of the weak , vulnerable, children, could be focused on for their right to be fully minded and protected ,, and persons being trafficked,,
      just some thoughts,, may be of use,,
    1. Generous's Avatar
      Generous -
      Quote Originally Posted by Jackabus View Post
      really I should not enter here,
      however I listened to radio to day , where the change in the laws in south was the topic of conversation.
      a women on the panel just laughed off poor men etc now cant find a { prostitute } a word I hate.
      women working whom I know a few , are independent and free individuals with their own lives in control. yes they offer their time , a coffee, glass of wine,, and may be massage, even maybe more.
      yes they charge for their time. now the change in the law will frighten clients from visiting a working women. result where the panel missed completely is men calling on working women do so for so many reasons,, and not always to do with sex,, working women are like going to a dentist,, a doctor , a priest.. for comfort . open to chat about any thing ..
      so you are fully aware,, I am totally for protecting women forced into work,, I am totally against crime lords forcing people to do any thing,, and above all ,, where children are concerned ,, absolutely against
      who ever is doing them wrong,, be it within family abuse,, or out side abuse..
      as far as I believe there is a need for women to be allowed to work freely and discreetly open,
      pay their taxes like any business, be that self employed , just the same as going for sports massage,,
      Tantric Massage,, these activities have absolutely nothing to do with sex,, and yes there is a charge for same.. really the UK ,, Ireland .. are way off the mark ,, if this business was structured right as any business ,, legal and above board,, then the real protection of the weak , vulnerable, children, could be focused on for their right to be fully minded and protected ,, and persons being trafficked,,
      just some thoughts,, may be of use,,
      I will volunteer for an interview.
    1. Barney Rubble's Avatar
      Barney Rubble -
      Quote Originally Posted by Generous View Post
      I will volunteer for an interview.
      WTF is going on here ?
      I really do give up
    1. Adelka2's Avatar
      Adelka2 -
      women, TS, TV, men voluntarily offer & sell, men, TS, TV, women? voluntarily search & buy ====== where is the wrong part which make it unlawful ?

      Maybe someone doesn't like it = ok, don't buy & sell & search. I don't like blue T shirts, so I don't have any.

      Law peeping under our blankets is not law, but wasting of our tax money, PSNI effort and parliament time. What about paramilitaries?, NHS?, benefits abusing? here spend your wisdom, time and our money please. Law is, as long as im aware, here to protect someone from something...

      ……...MLA's how comes YOU don't see that? Producing useless "law's" making YOU to be useless....or?
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