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  1. The Bus Stop

    It was raining heavily as I drove through the countryside on my way back to my hotel after another busy day meeting clients. I noticed someone up ahead, stood at a bus stop, looking totally bedraggled from the rain. I pulled over to offer them a lift, and noticed a beautiful face peering in at me, and she seemed mighty relieved to finally get shelter from the rain. I quickly found out that the woman had been wandering aimlessly for a while, not really sure where she was going, nor caring, for that ...
  2. A September reprieve

    The Sun's been my enemy for 40 long years,
    caged in its gaze I'm alone.
    A mother who drinks of my blood, sweat and tears,
    who takes till I'm dry to the bone.

    Yet fortunate I am that once in a while,
    nature denies her own prey,
    and Winter's cold hands keep me wrapped in his warmth,
    till the sun doth set over Sligo bay.
  3. Dreams...

    Can dreams become reality?
    Or are dreams only made to fainth away?
    I'm not talking about the ones that you have during your sleep... I'm talking about the ones in your head... the ones that are always there... the ones that pop into your head when your just about to go to sleep...
    What is your biggest dream? the one that you haven't told anybody...the one that is your little secret...(and please no: i want to become a millionare blah blah).

    Do you think that ...
  4. Transmission from an empty room

    It had started to rain.

    A fine mist dancing downwards through the sodium light,
    mingling with exhaled smoke, a swirl of blues and some off-colored backbeat.
    Countless pin pricks burst along my arms.
    Cool effervescence from a muted grey sky.

    The mist grows heavy and cold, more anxious to be heard, some secret to be told.
    But its message is lost in its satiating chill, swept away with all the other lies.
    Meaningless words for there is only ...
  5. to marry or not to marry

    Is it for all of us?
    What truly means to be married? Share your life with someone? well yeah maybe but you share your life with lots of people, friends, family sometimes somebody you just met, sometimes your psychologist... so it's not that big of a deal
    Share all your intimate secrets with another person? neahh nobody does that, we all have our little secrets, sometimes is going to an escorts other times it's eating a twix in the bathroom so nobody else knows that
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