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  1. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE=4]Q1. A man goes into a shop. When the shopkeeper turns around, the man grabs something expensive from the counter and runs out of the shop. The shopkeeper has never seen the man before and cannot remember what he looks like. Yet the police arrest the criminal within a few hours. How does this happen?

    Q2. A few minutes before a man grabs an object, it is worth about 15 dollars. When he grabs it, it is worth several hundred thousand dollars. He insists he has ...
  2. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE=4]Q1. Four men met every Thursday lunchtime at the Turkish Baths. Joe, a musician, always brought his personal casette player so he could listen to music. Jack, a banker, brought a thermos containing a drink. Jim and John were both lawyers and brought paperback books to read.
    One day in the mist-filled room, John was found dead from a deep wound through his heart. The police were called immediately. They questioned all three suspects, but no one said they had seen anything happen. ...