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a new lease of life

winding me up

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idiot started a thread about his" mate" stiffing an escort, my guess is it is a wind, but, let`s suppose he is on the level, which i doubt, what girl would supply her service BEFORE payment and that from a first timer? if it is true GOD HELP THE GIRL,


  1. Karin Kiss's Avatar
    I don't demand my fees but rather bring the conversation towards the subject after a few welcoming phrases. I may touch or kiss softly someone before I see any rewards but I always get them before the main "events".
    I don't know any girl who is doing otherwise, maybe the girl in cause just forgot to ask for the fees at the beginning of the appointment.
  2. wanted the best 69's Avatar
    hi karin
    as i put it up to the idiot, and as he failed to respond i guess a wind