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The Sunday Life Newspaper

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I thought my fellow escorts would like to know how I dealt with being splashed all over the front pages of The gutter Tabloid Sunday Newspaper "The Sunday Life" alongside other Independent Escorts, on two occasions and have now hopefully detered the press of ever coming to my door again.
I was first put on the front page along side other escorts in Sept 2010, however I was not in NI at the time but in sunnier climates, so I was unaware of my face appearing on the front page entitled "The Dirty Dozen" it was only when I turned on my work phone and had tex messages and then called a friend that I was faced with what the paper had done to me.
[B]I immediately made an official complaint to the press complaints commission[/B] and received an undertaking that the paper would leave me alone as they were invading my privacy and taking pictures without my permission and subdifuge.

However in Jan 2012, I was again put in the papers. This time I consulted a solicitor and also the press complaints commission and I have now been assured and have a 2nd under taking via my solicitor that my picture is bloody well imprinted on their system so that they will leave me alone.

May be if other independent escorts did the same...this grubby tabloid would find another focus for their front page.


  1. curvyirishgirl katie's Avatar
    Well done Alex For taking a stand against them..