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Irish Escort Blogs

Blogs written by Irish callgirls...

  1. The Lost Art of Making an Appointment

    This post is dedicated to all the ladies out there, who have to put up with the total lack of consideration from idiotic clients jerking them around.

    I have worked around the world and I must say the art of making an appointment is something that seems to differ from country to country. Which can cause some frustration for the new comer. There are some places where time is more fluid, examples are Jamaica, Africa, South America, India, these cultures seem to use more of an interpretation ...
  2. My recent trip to Paris-Part 1

    ARRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!! Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuckity, fuck fuck fuck! ARRRRRRRGGGGGG!!!!!!!! I fucking hate Schiphol Security! They are idiots, and disorganized morons and couldn’t catch a suicide bomber running through the airport with a bomb strapped to his ass, screaming “Death to the infidel!” The last time I had to deal with these jackasses was when traveling with a discount airline. Now I am on my way to Paris for a weekend of Gala events, shoe and tea shopping. Civilization is calling. I do have ...
    Tags: airports, morons
    Irish Escort Blogs
  3. Latte revisited and children.

    Today was a glorious day in my town, and I have to say after getting a pedicure and manicure I decided to pop into the hairdressers for an appointment, well she was totally booked up today, so instead of rushing right home I stopped for a latte at the coffee shop on the corner. The best idea I had today, because it was one of the most delightful lattes I have had in a long time. Smooth, creamy, frothy and rich aromatic coffee. The cream was so thick you could stand the stirrer straight in the glass. ...
    Tags: coffee, violette
    Irish Escort Blogs
  4. Latte Spoons.

    Anyone who knows me, knows I adore coffee. Be it an espresso, or a sweet milky latte, I love the stuff. But, lately I am beginning to become a bit put off when ordering lattes. The reason being for this sudden aversion, are the spoons. Let me be clearer, the lack of proper spoons for the tall latte cups they are served in. There I am sitting in a nice cool restaurant, having just finished a nice warmed croissant with jam and butter, flakes of pastry all over my fingers, and this lovely masterpiece ...
    Tags: coffee, spoons
    Irish Escort Blogs
  5. Back from the dead, with membership!

    Membership has its privileges . I am not referring to the elite status of owning a platinum Amex, or the uber rare black one. I am talking about that lucky or un-lucky accident of birth and geography, citizenship. Now, I am lucky enough to come not from a first world country, but from The first world country, the USA. This does cause a certain kind of immigration arrogance when clearing borders. Passing immigration in most countries is relatively easy, you flash your passport, they chat you up, ...
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