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Irish Escort Blogs

Blogs written by Irish callgirls...

  1. Politeness Will be The Death of Me

    Being in the UK is a challenge for me an American from NYC, who is already naturally impatient by nature. The politeness in this part of the world is starting to cause me a great amount of stress. It is the main reason things move so slow. All this blast-it queuing and letting people skip in front of you, as if all the other people haven’t lives to live and errands to run.
    I am currently in Scotland, the Highlands to be exact, and to say that I am losing the will to live is an understatement, ...
  2. An American in Glasgow

    Sweet mother of god! I am seriously fucked? Why you ask, well allow me to extrapolate. I am on my way to the fair city of Glasgow, the home of the incomprehensible Scots. Now, it is my first time to this city in a work capacity. I am well aware from past experience that the accented English with which they speak can be some what difficult to understand to their own country men, much less a bonny American lass like myself. So, I hit upon a plan with which to circumvent the necessity to have to talk ...

    Updated 26-03-11 at 07:06 by Violette (Forgot to ad stuff.)

    Irish Escort Blogs , Violette's Blog , Escort Industry Ireland
  3. God is NOT a DJ!

    I haven't blogged for a while, basically I was bored, uninspired, and busy as hell. But I have had an experience lately that I must share with you all.

    I meet God! Yes, I have stared into the eyes of the all mighty, only this time he took the guise of a waxing technician! I was amazed I wasn't smighted after all the profanity I was uttering in Her/His presence. I swore, I cursed, I called His/Her name in vain, in several languages. Basically, what happened is I got my fanny/foufou/girly ...

    Updated 26-03-11 at 07:07 by Violette

    Tags: hotwax, violette
    Irish Escort Blogs , Violette's Blog , Escort Industry Ireland
  4. The World Cup, Toys, and Cafes

    Ok, where to start? The long and he short of it is, I went shopping and ended up watching the WC.

    It originally wasn't my intention to get drawn into the whole WC madness, I pride myself on being an individual with a strong resistance to the herd mentality. That is until I needed a drink, went into a small cafe, and realized it was bedecked in orange with the Dutch flag flying outside, realization dawned too late it was WC Monday! Holland were playing Denmark.

    Oh shit! ...

    Updated 18-06-10 at 09:38 by Violette

    Irish Escort Blogs
  5. The Curious Case Of The Missing Unmentionables

    I pride myself on having lovely lingerie, matching lingerie I might add. Lovely make up, a clean sweet lady garden, neatly trimmed, manicured nails and a pleasing personality. But as I sit here before my computer, trying to resist the urge to bang my head on the marble countertop, with the will to live slowly ebbing from my soul, I am at a lost to begin to explain why yet again another pair of my knickers has gone missing?

    It boggles the sane mind, why someone would steal my panties. ...

    Updated 10-06-10 at 20:56 by Violette

    Irish Escort Blogs
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