Blog Comments

  1. Laura Lee's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by johnb59
    And here's me thinking it's all swanky apartments and out of this world hotel rooms and the odd minging room lol. By the sounds of that I'm surprised the wife still lived in the other half of house!
    I'm surprised there was a wife !
  2. Larrii's Avatar
    A cowprint onesie, don't get me started
  3. Baxter's Avatar
    Laura ........ " I WANT you " !
  4. johnb59's Avatar
    And here's me thinking it's all swanky apartments and out of this world hotel rooms and the odd minging room lol. By the sounds of that I'm surprised the wife still lived in the other half of house!
  5. dob's Avatar
    Thanks for such a personal post that firmly shows the reality of violence and cruelty, calling something violence when it isn't is just stupid and that stupidity should be called out for what it is
  6. zoozoozoo's Avatar
    Thank you for this blog ,sadly some men are so weak that they abuse their wife/lover/partner and so glad that you took the guards advice ,too often an abused person cant make the break and we all know the the tragic outcome - well done brave and courageous lady
  7. Laura Lee's Avatar
    There is always hope, and I firmly believe in the old saying - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Thanks for your kind comments xxx
  8. bluefan1's Avatar
    What a moving story. You're obviously a courageous and resilient woman. Thank you for sharing. I'm sure anyone reading it and who's is going through a rough period in their own life will take solace and hope from reading your blog
  9. Tightsmonster's Avatar
    Unfortunately Laura's story is all to common these days, but thankfully Laura come trough this and has made her into the strong and independent Lady that she is. It reminds me of the phrase please don't judge someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. Keep up the good work as a campaginer Laura XXX
  10. Nicole's Avatar
    Thank you for this blog entry Laura and courage to tell your story.
  11. red loach's Avatar
    i agree with you laura
  12. Davidgolf's Avatar
    i agree with 007 , that collection of stories is real life, the tabloid scum are more interested in selling newspapers , than telling the truth. thanks for sharing this with us.
  13. F007's Avatar
    Laura, your story of some of your clients is quite touching. I applaud you on your courage to share this with the EI community and yes, you are right, leave the innocent clients alone and concentrate on the traffickers and protect the vulnerable innocent girls they abuse.
  14. zoozoozoo's Avatar
    Except for the MS looks like Im number 1
  15. simon2280's Avatar
    Ha! Ha! Kate,
    The one good lesson i learnt by being a Parent, our kids learn more from what we do while they are with us, than from what we say to them. Social Justice,Openness,Love. So lets scream it til we cast off this mortal coil.
  16. Bushieman's Avatar
    I must congratulate Laura ón an intelligent and insightfull article or blog post whatever. May i invite you to sek further publikation Laura, irisk times etc. It is for Way to long that The working women that we meet with havebeen stigmatised and we all know Way worse. Here is a clear indikation of the calibre of intelligent confident and competent human beings that Care for us and pur needs, no matter how strange some requests May appear. So next time you are in The room remember how important these women are and deserter to be attakken seriously. I Will now step Down from my soapbox.
  17. Curvaceous Kate's Avatar
    When I announced I was to be vegetarian my Mum cooked steak and bacon for the whole week until I buckled. Since then I have been a firm friend of canine teeth and the fact they were designed to tear and cut meet. Denial is an ass my friend!f

    Oh and my son (God bless him), was so aware of social justice and such a young age, or should I say injustice. He once told his Teacher that he didn't like the way she bribed them with sweets (they did get a lot of sweets), so she said that was easily put right and stopped bribing them with sweets. He was not popular in class for some months later. She was a very bad teacher and had no control, least ever after the sweets were stopped.

    What I love about children is their ability to grasp the basics. They understand so clearly when something is wrong, they just don't know quite how to solve it. Maybe one day, I might learn that myself

    Great blog Laura Lee x
  18. justfrank44's Avatar
    Turn the cat into road kill, dinner sorted and another young vegetarian Kids, who would have them eh?
  19. Laura Lee's Avatar
    Thanks all and LOL Amber xx
  20. Ebony Amber's Avatar
    Laura, although it is a small thing in comparison to the moronic horrid things that have been said to you, I think you were wonderful on the Nolan show and you have lovely brows x
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