Blog Comments

  1. nappertandy's Avatar
    Here's a very simple and free way to blur your face. go to this site

    [url=] Free Web Picture Editor and Image Host - Crop, Resize, Text[/url]

    upload a pic from a folder and then put cursor over your face and keep left button pressed and drag until you see it covers area you want to blur then look to the legend on the left and click on blur box will pop up to ask if you want to blur entire pic or highlighted area, pick highlighted area option and it will blur. if not blurred enough then repeat. then go again to the left and see where it says save to disk, do that and then upload to this site as you did with the others. as the meercat would say 'its simples' its really very easy so give it a try. any questions just holler.
  2. Naughtynatalie's Avatar
    Thanks Prickly
    Lol @ Nappertandy, I had to decapitate myself hun as I dont know how to blur my face yet, hope to work that out soon but being a computer illiterate blonde dont hold your breath ;-)
  3. nappertandy's Avatar
    Photographer made a classic rookie mistake. They cut off the head :)
  4. Prickly's Avatar
    Leah, no photographer and no camera could possibly take a bad picture of you!
    And yes folks - it really is Leah!!! (Even better than I remember!)
  5. Naughtynatalie's Avatar
    Luther are you being sarcastic?!
    It took alot of effort to get that pic added lol ;-) x
  6. luther's Avatar
    Well done Leah...........nice picture..........
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