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  1. 10 Secrets Of Sex

    While you may have mastered several advanced sex positions and know exactly how to satisfy your woman, here are 10 secrets of sex that you may not have known. As you might know, there is more to sex than hot foreplay on the living room couch, burning sex on the dining room table, and passionate cuddling in the bed afterward. Learn the other facets of sex to enhance your knowledge and sexual life with these sex secrets below.

    1. Some women like having sex on their period. That's ...
  2. 10 Homemade Sex Games Ideas

    Homemade sex games can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make them. But what's better, is they can also be as inexpensive as you want to make them! You can play sexy games together as a couple using things that you can find right there in your home. (or anywhere else)

    1. Sexy dice game. All you need is a pair of regular dice, a piece of paper and a pen. Write the numbers 1 through 6 twice on the piece of paper and make two lists. The first list will be 6 body parts, ...
  3. Various Arts of Ancient Ireland

    Save that of the scribe, there was no other art in ancient Ireland carried to such beautiful perfection as that of the metal worker. And we have, still remaining, hundreds of beautiful pieces of this work. These ancients objects are of various kind; articles of personal adornment, bell-shrines, cumdachs or shrines for books, croziers etc
    Among the personal ornaments we have brooches, bracelets, rings, necklaces, torques (twisted ribbons of gold or silver) for wearing around the neck, minns ...
  4. Can Infidelity Help a Relationship Survive?

    Can infidelity ever be positive? Isn’t cheating by its nature a poison to relationships, a betrayal that cuts to the core, and breaks up even the strongest marriages?

    For some, that may be true. Affairs can be devastating and harmful to everyone involved. Sometimes they end relationships and cause upheaval to families and everyone around them.

    And sometimes an affair can be a wakeup call for a couple. Coming to terms with the problems in a marriage prior to an affair ...
  5. Sunday Blog

    Was very busy last night and decided to have a nice sleep on today as it was about 6.30 am before I got to bed. This is very unusual for me as I am normally a very regular sleeper but due to circumstances beyond my control last night was the exception. Having Blogging withdrawals so decided to post something, anything to help alleviate this feeling. Sometimes it's not easy to think of what to write about but I guess the good thing is that it's a very open book as regards to topics. So no particular ...
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