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  1. But Where's the Sun Gone?

    There's nothing like meeting old friends. You know the sort you fall out with over the stupidest s*** but upon reconciliation you go back to that same easy manner of interaction. Whether alot or a little is said there lies an understanding, not to mention blue-balling clueless young lads in clubs just ain't as fun by yourself.

    First in awhile in which I toured 3 weeks out of four and my goodness! Yet again I applaud those who do it full time, all the time. Alighting 'pon place and ...
  2. Hey Hey Hey

    I awoke from a long winter slumber... and jaysus was it freezing. At the very least the Sun was out - and thank goodness for that - my friends can finally recognize me again. For three months all I 'd hear them say whenever I left a conversation was "Who the hell was that aisan girl?" :P


    And who says quitting smoking is hard?
  3. The Beauty is...

    The Freedom of the Road.

    Not to mention all the s-Time and Companionship and what conicidences may occur- :P

    After sometime in the so called real world I realised people will make drama out of thin air if need be. To have to sit there and take it when you're used to kicking balls...I say.

    Despite the overview on Escorting , there are some quality girls out there. I consider myself one and I suppose this is more of a thank you note to all the girls who ...
    Tags: cassandra, ebony, tour
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