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  1. Belfast, what's happened?

    I wanted to come back to Belfast at some point soon. But am slightly concerned by the lack of Escorts in the area at the moment.

    I have not been escorting this year. The last time i was in Belfast was in December and there were 67 Ladies there the day i left. Now there is 10!

    What i want to know, has somthing happened? I would hate to travel over if there was some kind of danger or problem over there.

    Updated 21-08-12 at 12:36 by British Jessica Taylor

  2. The bad always spoil things for the good!

    I have a dillema.

    Since i have been in ***location removed**** (this is my second visit) i have had nothing but grief from people who book and never show. I have had the same few idiots blocking my phone line by calling repeatedly, i have allot of people bartering with me like I'm a second hand car for sale with "ono" displayed on my ad. The most extreme been £60 for an hour with a bit of Charlie thrown in! Why do people always assume escorts are escorting to support ...

    Updated 29-09-11 at 22:10 by Nicole

  3. Sounds about right! lol

    Man asks a prostitute, "How much?" She says, "$50 on the bed, $30 on the sofa & $10 on the grass.." He gives her $50. She says, "You're a man of class!" He says, "Class my arse, i want 5 times on the grass!!"