Blog Comments

  1. Alec Horan's Avatar
    you have 6 asterix - i think u only needed 5....
  2. Violette's Avatar
  3. rimmerguy's Avatar
    The link isn't workin
  4. RicFlair's Avatar
    Now thats one embarrased Butt.
  5. Violette's Avatar
    You are so welcome. Kiss
  6. Epsilon's Avatar
    Thanks Violette... I know i shouldn't be laughing but this blog has given me a great laugh today... Keep up the good work. I cant wait till the next installment.
  7. Violette's Avatar
    It was severe! I mean that wasn't a little love tap. I am not kidding you when I say I wasn't giving it my all, because he would have been bloody. He wanted me to go harder, but I kept it to just raising welts, not breaking skin. That kind of whipping isn't everyones cup of tea.
  8. Epsilon's Avatar
    Oh I read each their own, a gentle tap on the ass would do me just fine
    Maybe over your knee and your hand on my ass...
    but looks very severe...or im just a chicken..
  9. Violette's Avatar
    Didn't you read the post, he even brought his own cane, fearing mine wasn't good enough to give him the beating he desired. Also, we did some test strokes, 10 of my best, he was reconsidering at stroke 4. Plus, at one point he realized I was holding back! And mentioned this. That was me being gentle with him.
  10. Epsilon's Avatar
    He asked for that? I've seen burglars who got less of a beating... And i know you wouldnt do that to me, you played tennis in Uni... i was a sprinter... so if i keep my Nike's on..... you'll know why...
  11. Violette's Avatar
    ROFL! Come now I would never do that to you, unless you asked me to, then I would quite happily let loose on you. He didn't realize I played tennis in Uni.
  12. Epsilon's Avatar
    They're clenched in pure terror...
  13. Violette's Avatar
    He was as happy as Larry. Are you cheeks twitching in anticipation?
  14. Epsilon's Avatar
    Ouch.... sweet jeeesuz
  15. Violette's Avatar
    But the flip side, is if we don't give anything, even the little that does end up there wouldn't. So, it is a necessary evil. The charities I don't trust are the ones with super large luxurious buildings as headquarters.
  16. sagitarius133's Avatar
    Hi Violette,
    it's noble what you do, i did it too but i always wonder how much of the money we give ends up in the hands of those who really need it. The wages paid to the staff of these charities is sometimes very huge.
  17. Violette's Avatar
    Thank you.
  18. Nick Horan's Avatar
    That's a noble gesture.Fair play to you!
  19. Epsilon's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Violette
    E-man there is gentle and there is gentle, my meaning of gentle is I won't use the largest strap on I have, I will start with the baby one. See how gentle is that?

    Is it getting warm in here?... i am intrigued.... i will have to satisfy my curiosity and soon
  20. Violette's Avatar
    E-man there is gentle and there is gentle, my meaning of gentle is I won't use the largest strap on I have, I will start with the baby one. See how gentle is that?
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