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Violette's Blog

  1. Politeness Will be The Death of Me

    Being in the UK is a challenge for me an American from NYC, who is already naturally impatient by nature. The politeness in this part of the world is starting to cause me a great amount of stress. It is the main reason things move so slow. All this blast-it queuing and letting people skip in front of you, as if all the other people haven’t lives to live and errands to run.
    I am currently in Scotland, the Highlands to be exact, and to say that I am losing the will to live is an understatement, ...
  2. An American in Glasgow

    Sweet mother of god! I am seriously fucked? Why you ask, well allow me to extrapolate. I am on my way to the fair city of Glasgow, the home of the incomprehensible Scots. Now, it is my first time to this city in a work capacity. I am well aware from past experience that the accented English with which they speak can be some what difficult to understand to their own country men, much less a bonny American lass like myself. So, I hit upon a plan with which to circumvent the necessity to have to talk ...

    Updated 26-03-11 at 07:06 by Violette (Forgot to ad stuff.)

    Irish Escort Blogs , Violette's Blog , Escort Industry Ireland
  3. God is NOT a DJ!

    I haven't blogged for a while, basically I was bored, uninspired, and busy as hell. But I have had an experience lately that I must share with you all.

    I meet God! Yes, I have stared into the eyes of the all mighty, only this time he took the guise of a waxing technician! I was amazed I wasn't smighted after all the profanity I was uttering in Her/His presence. I swore, I cursed, I called His/Her name in vain, in several languages. Basically, what happened is I got my fanny/foufou/girly ...

    Updated 26-03-11 at 07:07 by Violette

    Tags: hotwax, violette
    Violette's Blog , Irish Escort Blogs , Escort Industry Ireland
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