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  1. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE="3"]A fun questions Blog for a change. :)

    Q1. When you see geese flying in a V formation, why is it that one leg of the V is always longer than the others?

    Q2. Why are there so many Smiths in the telephone directory?

    Q3. What is E.T. short for?

    [SIZE="3"]Q4. Where do you find a no-legged dog?

    Q5. Approximately how many house bricks does it take to complete ...
  2. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE="4"]Q1. A penniless sculptor made a beautiful metal statue, which he sold. Because of this he died soon afterward. Why?

    [SIZE="4"]Q2. A man was preparing a fish to eat for a meal when he made a mistake. He knew then that he would shortly die. H[/SIZE]ow?[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="4"]Q3. Adam had none. Eve had two. Everyone nowadays has three. What are they?[/SIZE]
    Q4. Why does a woman with no interest ...
  3. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE="4"]Q1. The famoust physicist Ulam one day noticed that several of his best graduate students had disappeared from his university. They had in fact gone to Los Alamos to take part in the top-secret preparations for the first atomic bomb. They were sworn to secrecy. How did Ulam find out where they were?

    Q2. We generally consider ourselves to be a lot smarter and better educated than the people who lived in the prehistoric periods of the Stone Age, Iron Age, and ...
  4. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE="4"]Q1. On a dark and rainy night a hitchhiker was having no luck finding a ride. Finally a car stopped and he got in. But something was very odd-there was no driver! Suddenly the car started moving. The hitchhiker saw a curve coming up and reached for the steering wheel but a hand came through the window and turned the car. The ride continued, and each time a curve came, the hand reached in and turned the car just in time. Finally the car stopped and the hitchihiker ran into ...
  5. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE="4"]Q1. Syd Sharp, a first class card player, reguarly won large amounts at poker. He was excellent at bridge, blackjack, cribbage, canasta, and pinochle. Joe, on the other hand, was terrible at cards; he could never remember what had gone before or figure out what card to play next. One day Joe challenged Syd to a game of cards for money. Over the next couple of hours, Joe proceeded to win quite a large amount of money from Syd. How?

    Q2. A man buys coconuts ...
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