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  1. Living in another world

    I have only recently joined this site and already I find myself becoming addicted. What is it and why do I feel compelled to visit almost every conversation that is placed on the boards. I'm not normally a nosey type of person but I do find the topics mostly very interesting. I am losing sleep and have logged in during the very early hours to see whats going on. Does anyone else have this addiction and any advice? :)
  2. Noise or Silence

    As I get older I am becoming increasingly irritated by noise of any kind. For some reason I do not like loud music, the television volume turned up, traffic noise and people talking loudly.

    The worst noise of all is the sound of sex and in particular those grunting noises and also the sound of a bed squeaking does not help.

    Sometimes I think to myself that I would prefer to communicate without using normal procedures and simply use body language or text messages to ...
  3. Very Sad Times

    Just listened to the news and views of working class people throughout the country talking about the recession. Saddens me that so many people are finding it so difficult to make ends meet and that the jobs crisis is not helping at all.

    How much worse can it get? the worst thing is I am not even sure who is to blame as my confusion on the matter is worsening every day. Take for example the greedy bankers. Well if the government don't do anything about it who is to blame the bankers ...
  4. Pretty Women and Manipulation

    Throughout my life I have often found myself to be manipulated by females with a pretty smile. I am not sure why this is but I believe that many women have natural built in capabilities to manipulate men into getting what they want. What I have noticed is that this mostly applies to sexy and beautiful females whereas ladies not so gifted in this category seem to be less likely to be as good at this. For some reason when the charm is turned on it seems so difficult to say no whether this be in ...
  5. Windy Nights

    I have no idea why but for some peculiar reason I have started to break wind on a huge scale at night time. Have been to the doctor and he said that I have no particular illness to cause this but didn't give me anything to relieve the symptoms. Was standing at the bedroom wndow the other night and let out a huge one whilst someone was passing by the from door and it must have been so loud as they looked up at the window in disgust. I have not had this problem to this extent ever before and at ...
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