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  1. Keep the mouth closed

    The average person swallows about 3 spiders in their lifetime.
    The number is different for each person. Your location and the way you sleep will impact this number. If you are sleeping outside, then you have a greater chance of consuming a spider than inside. If you also sleep with your mouth open, rather than closed, this will give spiders easier access.
  2. Sex Toys

    There are so many sex toys around and have just looked at some online to see what there is. Can't believe there are so many things I have never seen or heard of before. vibrators, dildos, cock rings, penis extension stuff, butt plugs, anal beads, bondage kits etc etc. Would be interesting to hear your experiences using sex toys.
  3. Sex Facts

    1. The best medicine...

    According to the Museum of Sex, the vibrator was originally used as a medicinal treatment for female "hysteria" during the 19th century. The vibrator-induced orgasms helped doctors dissipate hysteria's anxiety-related symptoms.

    2. Say cheese!

    Semen contains zinc and calcium, both of which are proven to prevent tooth decay.

    3. Hop to it.

    The iconic "Rabbit" is renowned for two things: ...
  4. If I ruled the world

    Have been thinking a lot recently about the state of the country and the world as most people have and thought to myself what would I do differently if I ruled the world. So many things I would change but here is a few of them:-

    [B]Eradication of Poverty[/B]
    No matter how it would need to be done I would ensure that no one anywhere would be living in poverty and especially those countries where people don't have enough to eat. Nothing angers me more than people not having ...
  5. Roleplay Scenarios

    I am trying to think of some new roleplay scenarios as I have tried all the usual stuff like doctor-nurse, boss-secretary etc etc. Probably not the most creative person when it comes to this so I am keen to hear any new ideas people may have.
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