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  1. Friday Night Ruined

    Was just getting ready to have a nice long night online here and what happens?
    Broadband goes down and left with no access to internet. Not a very nice start to the weekend. So I unplug the computer press all the buttons and restart again and nothing! So I take out the phone connection and do it all over again and still nothing. Next I decide to phone the broadband helpline and yes you guessed it I get a machine that talks a load of gibberish. So I lie back and start reading a book and ...
  2. An Interesting Fact - F**K

    Did you know?...The word "fuck" is actually an acronym. It dates back to the Good Old Days, when England was severely underpopulated due to the usual combination of fire/war/plague, and the King issued an official order to... well, fuck, to replenish the population. Hence the phrase "Fornicate Under Command of the King" passed into everyday language.

    Moderators Comment: God bless His Majesty King Charles II for his Christian instruction to go forth and repopulate ...

    Updated 29-10-10 at 16:46 by carlos marvado (Test the edit facility)

  3. More Blogging

    Have been reading up a little bit about blogging and found some interesting information which may be of use to others:

    Here are 20 different types of blog posts extracted from Pro-Blogger

    • Instructional – Instructional posts tell people how to do something. I find that my Tips posts are generally the ones that are among my most popular both in the short term (ie loyal readers love them and will link up to them) but also in the longer term (ie one of the reasons ...
  4. An Instructional Blog - How To Have Sex


    It depends what you mean by having sex. Having sex can sometimes mean a number of different sexual activities, but usually it means sexual intercourse. The most common definition of sexual intercourse is an act that involves a man putting his erect penis inside a woman's vagina. Sexual intercourse might also be used to refer to sex acts between two men or between two women.

    Sexual intercourse between a man and a woman starts with ...
  5. Rings and Things

    I find it very attractive when a lady is wearing jewellery such as rings, bracelets, bangles and necklaces. I realise this can be overdone and that it can go to an extreme but I still find it quite desirable. Am not into piercings or that type of thing but each to their own. What's the most attractive piece of jewellery you find with a female? As a male i simply wear a watch and that's it.
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