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  1. I've been Mashed

    This is dedicated to MM who answered all my questions this morning and before 8 a.m. :)

  2. Wednesday Magic

    [SIZE="5"]Q1. At the beginning of his act, a magician places a solid metal ball, 4 inches in diameter, on a table and places a cover over it. At the end of his act when he lifts the cover, the ball has disappeared. How?

    Q2. It was reported in the paper that Jim Jones had married his widow's sister. How did he do this?

    Q3. If you could travel faster than the speed of light, then you could catch up with the light which radiated from your body some ...
  3. Tuesday Fun

    [SIZE="5"]Q1. A man entered a city art gallery and did terrible damage to some very valuable Impressionist paintings. Later that day, instead of being arrested, he was thanked by the curator of the art gallery for his actions. How come?

    Q2. At the Carlton Club, Alan Quartermaine was telling one of this stories. ''When the animal emerged from the lake I could see that its four knees were wet,'' he said. Marmaduke, who had walked into the room at that very point, ...
  4. Try These

    [SIZE="5"][SIZE="5"]Q1. My friend Monster, who sold carpets, said that if he h[/SIZE]ad to multiply two numbers together he usually squared their average instead. The answer was always too big but was near enough, he said. I told him that if he was all that keen on squaring instead of multiplying, he might as well do a little bit more and get the answer right. What else ought he to do?[/SIZE]

    [SIZE="5"]Q2. Under the terms of a will six separate bequests, ...

    Updated 21-03-11 at 20:50 by magicalman9357 (Typing Error pointed out by MM!)

  5. Monday Madness

    [SIZE="5"]Q1. A man jumped 150 feet entirely under his own power . He landed safely. How did he do it?

    Q2. A man lay dead in a field next to a piece of string and a cloth. How did he die?

    Q3. Four men sat down to play.
    They played all night till break of day.
    They played for gold and not for fun.
    With separate scores for everyone.
    When they came to square accounts
    They all made quite ...
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