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  1. All Punters Are Equal; But Some Smell (and Fuck) Better Than Others

    I would like to stress that I DO NOT lump all men that pay for sex into the sweaty and urine marinated category. In fact, that was my first pleasant surprise when I first became an escort. I'd expected the horror stories of smelly, overweight belchers with rotting teeth and dribble. Instead I found I was entertaining men who were predominantly sometimes better kept than I was!!!

    The clientele my rates attract sometimes smell so good that I'm sniffing the pillow long after they've ...
  2. The Shame of The Over-Charged Punter

    I logged on to EI in order to whinge about my intermittent mobile broadband, saw some half-wit's whinge about escort pricing and couldn't help myself.

    I'm not sure what has happened in the month or so since I was here last in Ireland. But it has made me wonder if I'll be back. I do not charge the highest rates of any escort, not by a long shot. Indeed, considering that my services will not include a demand for extra payments for a service such as anal sex, I'm quite a good catch, ...