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  1. Hi there u fuckers

    At least I hope you're off fucking, what sort of escort website would this be?

    l will skip Over Donald Tramp , over ye old brexit and the rest of the madness ....
    INSTEAD I will take a time out say FUUUUUUCK!

    Pardon my departure from the usual language but honestly there is Laura Lee and the SWAI trying to do their bit but everyone focused on Trump. A marmalade colured daft shot in office. Know how he got there? Not Neo Nazi, white supremecist actions ...
  2. Magic's Weekly Questions Blog

    [SIZE="4"]Q1. The British stop at 10. The Americans continue to 17. An Irishman invented it. What is it?

    Q2. A man died because he went home too quickly. How come?

    Q3. A young man went off to war. He returned some time later. When he saw the church tower near his home, he knew that his family was in serious trouble. Why?

    Q4. Why was a woman pulling three heavy old tyres through the park?
