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  1. First of all

    well well let's start by introducing myself right?
    thats how everyone starts.. I hope
    Ok, so I'm Nicolle, some of you may know me some may not know me
    I'm an independent escort ( that sounds so stylish haha)
    well in fact i'm just a girl/woman(27 years so I guess i'm not a girl anymore) who enjoys sex, interesting conversations and men and sometimes women (sorry guys i'm stealing you ladies haha)
    I study too, English-German in a collage back home.
    Tags: escort, fun, girls, men, women
    Irish Escort Blogs
  2. A Rather Silly post

    Then ofc you lift yourself from this silly winter fugue and spring up twice lively and twice horny.
    How to say it's thrice cold but twice sunny, you know?
    Then are almost all your boyfriends meeting so you on your Lucy Lu...Shiit!
    Man folk's die all day, all day, fuck it -onwards and forwards fam.End of day can you get lifted an gifted?

    Ring the bell sexy mofos, mourning is done it's time for funking now! An funking hard kk? LET'S GO!

    I'm not ...

    Updated 16-01-16 at 19:47 by Cassandra

    Escort Industry Ireland
  3. Call me Sister Kate!

    Omg!!! 2 whole weeks of living like a Nun. I don't think I can take much more of it lol. The only consolation so far is that I had some garlic bread yesterday and haven't eaten any garlic in agessss!!!! (for obvious reasons). I think I could happily give up garlic for some rumpy pumpy right now.

    I'm having withdrawals I tell you and I don't even have my magic wand here with me. In fact, I think I've heeled up and become a virgin again.

    Who's going to cure me ...
  4. Getting Started

    There are moments when some of us, me included, when we wish we could participate in events where we can meet all the other escorts, share experiences and also to meet each others clients and friends, meet people that can help us grow stronger again the violence or discrimination against sex workers.

    Can we organize meeting in clubs, get to know and show the world that we have other faces, that we have also feelings and we can become friends one with others?
  5. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.. (Part 1)

    ... or so I was always told by my mother when she was trying to get us kids to wash behind our ears, between our toes and in all this little places that a quick slosh of water really makes no impression on!

    I grew up thinking that if I at least cleaned up twice a day properly, I would at least be seriously considered by St Peter when it came for my time waiting in line outside the Pearly Gates

    And despite realising these days that maybe there is now rather more in my ...
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