Phone sex
Lots of people enjoy having phone sex, and it is easy to see why. Phone sex is where you get to talk on the phone to your favourite escort and describe all of the naughty things that you would do to them, and you get to listen and hear their moans and groans as they talk about the things that they would love to do to you in bed. It is the perfect way to try out kinky new interests in bed without having to risk the look on your sexy female escort's face if they say no.
Phone sex is a great way to not only talk to the sexy female escorts that you want to meet but to also find out if you have chemistry before you book a real date. You can flirt shamelessly with them on the phone, listening to their sweet laugh and teasing them with the things that you would love to do to them if you met them. You can find out if she is the woman for you and, if she is, you can also get a good idea of the things that this sexy girl would like you to do to her when you do finally get the chance to meet.
If you are hoping to have the best phone sex experience with the hottest women around, you should make sure you have plenty of time set aside for it. You don't want to be getting to the best bit of the conversation, only to be interrupted! Choose a time when you are going to be free and make sure that your phone is fully charged so that you can enjoy the entire conversation without having to get up and go running across the room to grab your charger. It is also a good idea to wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and sexy. Silk boxers work really well, and you can describe to the sexy female voice on the phone what you are wearing.
You might find that you are struggling to think of the hottest things to say to get the gorgeous female on the phone in the mood, but a nice way to start is to tell them about a sexy dream you had. You can remember all of the details and describe them to the girl on the phone, and they can then tell you what they think. They might even suggest that when you do get to meet your sexy woman in person, that you re-enact it together!