Fingering is the act of using your fingers to stimulating the anus or vagina of another person to bring about pleasure. While you may think that fingering is a simple task, it can be very complicated. It isn't as easy as just ramming your fingers in there - it requires more finesse and technique, and a lot of trial and error to see what works for your partner. Every person is different, and what works for one person might not work for another.
There are two main ways in which you can finger somebody. You can finger their anus or finger their vagina, and they might even return the favour and do the same to you. Whatever method your partner would prefer, there are some things you should remember to do to ensure it is the only pleasure that you give to your partner, without any unpleasant surprises.
Keep your nails trim and tidy. It should really go without saying, but any jagged edges or dirt could hurt your partner or leave them with an infection. Not exactly what you're hoping to give them! Cut your nails and give them a good scrub to make sure the only thing you'll be doing is giving your partner pleasure.
Lubricant is important to use, whatever you might be up to. It will help your favourite escort to relax a little more if their body's natural lubricant isn't coming as quickly as they'd like, and it will help ensure your fingers can glide smoothly in and out. Use plenty of it, and consider trying some flavoured lube if some reverse oral is what you're hoping for later. The key thing to remember with fingering is not to dive straight in - work your finger slowly in and listen to your chosen escort. They will be able to tell you what they like most, so take their guidance to make it as pleasurable for them as you can. Fingering is not a sprint, and ramming your fingers in and out won't win you any points. Try gentle strokes or even the come hither method, where you move your finger as though you are beckoning someone towards you, to see what excites them most.