Time for a Westside rant.Hadnt had on ehere in a while so this is overdue.Irish.Oh dear where do i start with this langauge i so fondly remember from my school days.Ah yes i can see it.

"Hello boys and welcome to my class and i hope you ebjoy your academic year ahead.We will start with a little lesson in Irish.Conus ata tu Westside???Im fine ty.No,no ,no ,conus ata tu???? Eh im great thanks.WESTSIDE conus ata tu?Im fine.Fuckin little cunt, (comes running down the class waving his fists) i throw the lid of my desk up and try to climb inot it.Ya little bastardarggggghhhh.Thne it was like batman,


little cunt.Today you stay in for one hour.Ok so sir.What?you little bastard you answer me in Irish.Get out.

WFT????? It used be kicked into us.I hate the fuckin thing with a vengence.Only when we decided we had enough and weere going to kick the cunts back,we turned 18 and reached ah yes adulthood.

Goodbye my dear Westside.It was most joyous teaching you these years.(put the gun away West he is not worth it).

Irish to me was like this.Hello the is irish your langauge and you must learn it or we will kick the daddy bags off you,not only but you must use everyday and we will also teach you other studies through irish and of course the more you know of it ,the harder it gets and the more likely you are to get a nicer whopping.And when your finished you get a little cert saying that.,...................fuck then cert.a fuckin black belt is what i should have got .They kicked the fuck out of us.Jesus i want to be reincarnated as an irish book.Oh god.

My nerves, my nerves,