I have noticed when reading reviews that the client's objectivity can be affected by how he perceives his experience with the lady at the booking. I think it fair to say that most readers of reviews will interpret the ' very attractive ' , 'fairly attractive ' tick boxes as referring , primarily, to the physical presntation and looks of the escort. I am sure most guys will quickly be able to refer to a woman they know or perhaps someone in the media or movies etc , someone who they would regard as a thundering bitch but yet still acknowledge that she is ' very attractive '.

I saw this review today of Rebeka;


I thought it interesting that because he had a negative experience, my guess is he did just refused to tick the top ' very attractive ' box. Now, whatever anyone might think of Rebeka, if you are a straight male, you cannot possibly tick any other box than the 'very attractive ' one - it is an indisputable world fact.

I have seen this and other types of distortion in reviews. So much of how we view things is based upon our own experience , and objectivity goes out the window. Perhaps a good thing in many respects as nothing can be taken for granted. If a particular guy clicks with an escort, he is likely to tick the box above where he might have done otherwise.