I am puzzled as to why escorts do not use any kind of answering service. Surely there has to be added value for E-I in running such a service.
Trying to contact escorts is a major source of agravation for clients. Equally escorts lose a lot of busines when they are not contactable. If I cannot contact an escort, it would be good to know if they were busy for an hour or away for a week.
There has to be experienced former escorts out there who could take calls when escorts are busy and help to sort out the inadequates from the genuine clients. There is also the security benefit of an escort informing the service that she has met a client and how long she will be busy for.
The service would not entertain any discussion of services/prices just inform the caller when the escort was likely to be available and offer to take a name/number, so I do not see any legal issues. With modern communications the service could be based anywhere.
The service could be used for references by recognising phone numbers of clients who had visited other escorts without incident. An escort could put numbers of difficult clients on a barred list.
Why does this not happen? What am I missing?