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Thread: My big fat Gypsy Wedding

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyMe View Post
    I wonder if the participants in the programme regret being filmed?

    Captain S had a point, before being filmed were they aware of public reaction.
    it's car crash tv
    Car crash tv is the best!!

  2. #22


    I am lovin this program xx

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2007


    Saw the show by pure chance last night and won't be watching it again - does pretty confirmed everything negative about travellers that i thought and then some - the whole 'grabbing' phonemenom is only a few evolutionary steps above 'neanderthal man clubbing woman over the head to drag off to the cave' and excusing it as merely part of the 'culture' is akin to the genital mutilation of baby girls in some African cultures(another degrading practice imposed on the female population.)
    I also felt distinctly uncomfortable with the fact that young girls as young as 12 or 13 dressed in a ridiculously sexual manner was diluted as 'looking their best'by the liverpudlian dressmaker.The girls were dressed completely inappropriately for their age(in order to attract young men,so as to marry by the time they're 21/22)but society cannot take the parents to task because,once again, its part of their 'culture'.
    A 'culture' in which spousal abuse is present in approx 50% of the marriages.Ah,but shur, they're travellers so nobody can say anything negative about them because of racism.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    I'd never really seen the show, so after reading this thread I took a look at an episode of on youtube. The episode I watched was at least tastefully done, nothing insulting towards the travellers themselves in it. But, it was only one episode, and I have to guess that beased on what some of the other posts have said, there other other episodes that go a bit deeper into Traveller culture, and go into this stuff with 'grabbing' and spousal abuse. I'll have to have a look at a few more episodes of the show, it was worth a look.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2008


    Yesterday i feel sorry for them and think thats all very sad. They take all kids from school when they are 11 or 12. Girls have to clean and cook and look after other kids. They dont read and cant write. From very young age they dress in a ridiculously sexual manner and try to impress guys already. They have to get married from 16 till 18. At 20 they are old. They cant party,drink,go nowhere without husband and grabbing thing is really rediculious!

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyMe View Post
    I wonder if the participants in the programme regret being filmed?

    Captain S had a point, before being filmed were they aware of public reaction.
    it's car crash tv
    If you're worried about mis-representation or being made fun of, dont go on tv*, particularly the reality kind!!

    * Unless you somehow retain editorial control.
    He who laughs last, doesn't get the joke.

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