After reading the post " Does the missus give you a blowjob or VV?", the responses back all seem to be the same. . . weight gain & loss of libido after "I do".

Im getting married in the summer, to a girl who used to be fairly skinny, but over the last couple of years has steadily put it on, so that now there is a healthy overhang and horizontal ripples (about 3 -4) when she wears a tight top.

To me, its a major turn off. I keep very fit, and if I say so myself, am in pretty good shape. She loves my body, and seeing me naked. I only wish the opposite was true.

But to bring up the subject of her weight, and how Id prefer it if she was skinny(ier), is like saying you dont believe in the holocaust. Not good. To me, keeping you body in shape is very important to me, I will never be fat, and expect the same of my partner.

What should I do ?
Be brave, and come out with it straight, before we get married ?
Or accept the inevitable, Irish women are fat, and after a couple of kids, it'll all go south anyway ?

