I'm asking this out of pure curiosity, I'm always wondering if there is any truth behind the stories in the news, every now and again stories come out about girls are forced into prostitution because of money difficulties, drugs or by unsavoury people.
I know most of the girls who post on the forums seem happy or content to be in this business, but still I wonder how and why a girl starts escorting, is it because they enjoy it, like sex, (hopefully one of these two) they gave to for various reasons or simply for the money.

I can imagine it can be a hard job (no pun intended ) sometimes like every job it has it good and bad parts especially when there is bad clients, I suppose I'm asking just for the sake of asking, I would hope girls do it because they like it as I can't imagine what life would be like without all ye beautiful women that give such pleasure to us guys.

God bless the escorts!!!