Quote Originally Posted by Ric Hardgear View Post
to shave yer pubes adds visually length to your mickey.Now for a big bloke this is not as easy as it sounds.Standing up in a shower ner impossible,you cant see your lad which is hidden underneath your belly,so you have to lift the belly up with one hand bend over with razor in the other hand,this usually leads to unbalance,falling out off shower ,foolishly grabbing shower curtain to stop your fall .failing hitting head off armitage shanks ,and landing on open razor creating your own circumcision ,as you watch concussed your foreskin circling the drain.
Second method is to shave in the bath,in order to see your knob you have to slide down towards the taps raise your legs in the air and let your man bobs and belly naturally roll towards your chin.Now with your legs akimbo,you peep over your hairy belly now in your face,you should have a better view of your willy,grab razor in one hand ,hold tip of penis in other stretch area where you want to shave ,and thus increase the size of your mickey,training vid will follow,i in no way endorse any off these methods,so all complaints should be addressed to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com
or get your girlfriend to do it