I often wondered about this, your in a pub or restaurant / cafe and you leave or go to the toilet forgetting your phone which is sitting on the table, when you return it's gone; is the pub / cafe responsible? I know most would just say I didn't see it or sorry it's not our responsibility but is that actually true, it was stolen on their premises, they have insurance against theift, if you pushed the matter with a solicitors letter or an application to the small claims court would they just give you the money for it instead of all the hassle.
The reason I'm thinking this is because I saw a lady kicking up blue murder in a take away yesterday because she claimed to have left her phone on the counter to take money out of her purse and forgot to pick it back up, when she returned it was gone, the girl behind the counter was just blanking her saying sorry I didn't see it but this girl wasn't backing down, she wanted her phone, didn't stay long enough to see what the end result was, sorry to judge but this girl didn't seem to be of very good character and to me was up to something no good IMO..