EUobserver / Ireland insists not on same road as Greece despite ballooning bank debt

Lenihan calls the situation: "infuriating but managable".

So on the one hand he's saying grrrrr.... grrrr... I'm so mad, I am infuriated, I am VERY, VERY, VERY MAD AT YOU BANKERS!!!!

And then saying: "but shur at the same time, tisn't so bad, we'll manage things, we can do well".

There's something not right about that....

The owners of Anglo-Irish bank are laughing their faces off at all of us and our future children. Many are probably in big expensive houses in America having sex all day long with the most expensive escorts there using your money to do it.

Things are not "manageable", there's nothing left to manage. We'd be better off without any government. Mr. Lenihan is just someone who robs our money and throws most of it away.

I think we'll survive.... just make sure you have a decent plot of land and a sack of spuds and don't let the government take them.