I suppose it was inevitable that sooner or later a disturbed individual would make himself known to us on the board, considering the nature of our hobby, and the relative freedom in posting onto threads.
To westside I would say you should cease to reply to the individual, he has a attention problem, he needs to get in the last reply on everything, He is clearly driven by some type of intense jealousy (sexual jealousy?), something happened to him in recent weeks, (a marriage/relationship breakdown?), and he has the time and more negative energy to post repulsive comments on any and every post. The fact that he seems to bring up young boys in his threads displays a unheathy and disturbing obsession.

He will still have the need to reply to any post you put up on the board. So let him rant on, and disregard his comments about been wealthy and intellectual, he is a walter mitty, as regards his hot Polish girl, Polish girls come here with their boyfriends, who normally arrive in Ireland first, and set up a dwelling.
In general they dont form relationships with Irish guys, and would not even piss on his weirdo type, and he knows it.

Westside, please continue to post your thoughts on any topic you like, ignore the begrudgers, they will always be there, but most of all ignore disturbed individuals like this charactor.