Just to bring up the old Lisbon Chestnut again.

The 2nd of april marked the 6th month anniversary of the Irish sheep herd voting Yes.

At the time I was castigated by certain members for advocating a No vote, in fact I think just me and Westie stood firm on the No vote.

Most of the yessers said it would bring Jobs and prosperity to our fair land.

6 months on I am still waiting for the jobs/prosperity.

Rather than sinking into the quagmire that is Brussels bullshit, we should be having a debate should we be saying bye bye to the EU.

Why is all the jobs slipping away to the far east.

Cheap labour costs yes but the EU is becoming an over regulated monster that Employers are finding it harder and harder to comply, so you can't blame them for heading to China, India etc.

Let me give you an example there is a new health and safety law that says anyone working above 6ft has to undergo a "how to use a step ladder course". What a joke, an employer can take his business to China and work someone for 16 hrs and be within the law, our over regulation is just making it harder and harder to create jobs.

The Smarty