I've been thinking about relocating to US. Can anyone recommend a nice place for me?
I'm looking for somewhere mostly sunny with nice warm temperatures all year round, not too hot though. Between 20 to 28 celsius is optimum. Winter shoulnt be bellow 10 degrees. Low humidity of course.
I wouldnt mind the occasional tornado, what I do mind though are insects of all kinds (spiders in particular), so please dont send me to any tropical or asian countries instead.
Now I've checked a few locations already and what really stuck me is, that they dont seem to have green lawns. Instead they have only some brown yellowish dry stuff on the gardens. It's really dissapointing to see the lovely cheap houses with no green grass.
I know I'm asking a lot but if anyone knows about a place that would come at least close to my requirements,I'd be grateful.
Thanks for any help.