We need 5,000 signatures and that's a lot!

We are asking people to help us promote it online.

e.g. Could you make a post about it on another forum you use that is popular in Ireland?

If you help us and then send us a PM saying what you've done, e.g. "I gave this petition a plug on X popular website, here is the link", we will give the first 10 people who do this a £25 gift voucher code. You can PM me or you can PM westsidex or any of the other site helpers or staff if you prefer.

We don't need your name or any of your other personal details, you don't need to be a long-term member here, you just need to have done something good to help (i.e. you may not be awarded a voucher for posting in on a twitter account nobody follows!) and we really appreciate it if you can help as we need your help! Your voucher code will be PM'd back to you and you can enter it on to claim the voucher.

We really want to get 5,000 signatures to this petition so the government will hopefully not just totally ignore it, and to get that many signatures we need to get the word out about it online!

Thank you very much,

Pat x