Fat Harney wants to charge people on medical cards the poorest and possibly the sickest people in our community a charge for every item dispensed.

they want to cut the dole and child payments

Currently they are talking 50 cent per item which may seem not a lot but if someone has 10 items then thats 5 euro extra they have to pay.


Irelands biggest tax cheat Denis O'brien pays fuck all tax.

The horsey set are not taxed for fees for stallion breeding.
A fee for a good horse can be €100,000 + no tax great for some
Clown says everything is on the table yet horse breeding never mentioned

Peter Bacon has recommended that rich investors who built too many fucking hotels in the first place should be allowed sell off the hotels early without paying back revenue any generous tax breaks that they claimed.

Great fucking country this, when is the revolution taking place ?????