being someone who likes a little flirt now and then...... besides its a light-hearted topic for a change...

This advice makes perfect sense. We enjoy being with friendly, cheerful people who make us feel good about ourselves, and it's only logical we'd be attracted to the same sorts of people too.

Right, so you've spotted someone you're attracted too. What do you do? Experts say the first step is to establish eye contact. Just glance directly at his or her face and look away after, at the most, one second. Holding someone's gaze for longer is intimidating, and that's the opposite of how you want to appear. If he or she glances back at you, it's a pretty good indication your interest is reciprocated.

If you blush or smile shyly, so much the better. Flushed cheeks and dilated pupils are nonverbal signals that you're attracted to someone, while a smile will make you appear attractive and approachable.

It's also important to appear attractive yourself, and this isn't just about looks.

Laugh a lot. Be a good listener. Pay compliments. Innuendo is never appropriate between strangers. Ask questions. Most importantly, be confident.

"The better you know you look, the more confident you’ll feel and self-confidence is a powerful aphrodisiac. It’s all in the posture. Walk tall and keep your shoulders back. Automatically you’ll feel sexier.

Once you're sure of yourself, you can also try out these basic flirt moves:
# Flicking hair over one shoulder

# Arching the back to draw attention to the breasts

# Crossing and un-crossing legs

# Tucking hair behind the ear

# Smile properly. Relax all your face muscles and let your eyes crinkle up. Smiles are everyone's best feature.

# Think sexy thoughts — but keep them to yourself. Your face will indicate your interest, but saying them out loud will only make you appear crass.

Flirt secrets

A friend once said she found showing a hint of lace on her dates worked wonders. Other women say they find gorgeous lingerie makes them feel sexier and more confident.

Your clothes should reflect your personality, advises a friend. She says she chooses clothes which fit in with her self-image and the image she wants to project to the world. "Think about it," she told me. "If you dress like everyone else, who's going to know you're any different?"

Wardrobe staples no woman should be without are a pair of drop-dead sexy high heels and a decent mascara. High heels accentuate the curve of the leg, make you look taller, and force you to move your pelvis forward in order to balance. They're also pretty bad for the back, so don't indulge all the time.

Smell fabulous. Wear an exotic perfume or a lovely body lotion. Take the time to pamper yourself. If you don't, why should anyone else?

Be interesting to talk to. Brush up on your general knowledge and collect a couple of jokes. Have hobbies or interests outside of work.

Don't try too hard. There's nothing more off-putting than desperation — unless it's insincerity. Just be yourself, and be comfortable with yourself. The rest will happen by itself.

so what other tips are there out there boys and girls???