Right (hello Ex P i was in town yesterday and meant to post this stuff.I couldnt be arsed cooking sometimes so i went to Burger King (i way too upper class for these restuarants in my trackbottoms and hoodie) and ordered and got food and sat down and eat and then i thought back to when i was last there (a good bit ago) and then thought.

The same stuff always happens in there.Mickey D's is similar but Burger King is the main one.

(a) When you order the same thing happens.The person comes back with the order and looks all over the place for you.Even though you right in front of them.Left ,right,arseways.No sign of you until you actually reach out like Michaelangelos christ.

(b) The place is always full of mad drunk single men half asleep on their food trays.

(c) There is always someone with no food or they are finished it ,watching every morsel you eat.

(d) Someone always leaves the door open.Always even in windy weather and someone (not me) always sits right in front of them.

(e) Going back to the counter they always hand the change to the wrong ppl and there is a always a middle aged guy with either glasses or a beard at the counter.

(f) There is always someone unhappy rooting through the order.

(g)There is always an old woman comes in,sit down and then after about ten mins goes up to order.Usually something wee.

Anyway, i chuckled as i thought of this stuff and ate up and headed off leaving the door wide open to freeze the idiot that was sitting in front of it.

Wooshhhhhhhhh theres goes his whopper,