I have been very kind here, offering alot of humour and good nature. I would like to know why the fuck some have decided to send me emails threatening me and showing me youtube videos of horses heads cut off and battle scenes? I take it you are pimps? Threatened by me? Well dont be silly by sending these videos to me. You want me out of your town, Ill just not go there. I dont want trouble or harrassment or violent videos sent to me. Gotta say, as much as I hate living in America, this shit never happens here. You dont get American pimps sending death threats. Get over your fucking selves. You dont want me there, just politely tell me. You dont have to cavemen in getting me the message. I gotta feel sorry for you in fact. Whatever kind of life did you have that taught you this approach of dealing with your competition? It is just not impressive at all. Do you really think that sending me death threats will keep me out of Ireland or your town? No way rude dude. You know you are dealing with a head strong stubborn girl. If you want me to stay out, you will have to ask me nicely. Be a gentleman about it. I respect turf. I respect territory. Ask me nicely. If you dont, ill storm into your little playground and I will do it so clever you wont have any way to reach me. Be a proper nice person and ask me not to come there if you dont want me to. But your death threats will only make me compete more.

You and your YouTube Video can go stick it up your decapitated horses head. Learn some manners. You can gain more with honey then with your shit. Or however the saying goes...

YouTube - Rolf Harris - Two Little Boys 2008