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Thread: My Cat Probably has FIV or Cat Aids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Unhappy My Cat Probably has FIV or Cat Aids

    Today my vet told me that my cat probably has Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or known as Cat Aids.
    I was in ireland a few weeks and left my cat home in very good condition. I came back home and found my cat very very thin and dehidrated and with no apetite and energie at all. Now she was also lost for a week so I thought because of that and that she was in heat and didn't drink or eat.
    But after a few days taking care of her she still the same.
    I brought her to the vet today and he told me she has all signs of having Cat Aids. I was devasted to hear that. My cat normally is an outdoor cat and now I feel so guilty I let her all the time outdoors and also alone when I go to Ireland. The vet said that she probably got the virus of some street cat, that's the risk of having your cat outdoors. They are more vulnerable catching diseases.
    Tomorrow my cat have to do some bloodtest and thursday I will know the results.
    The vet told me that if she is positive I have to decide to euthanase her or keep her and having to administer antibiotics etc

    I'm so so sad and crying the whole day. I love my cat so much. She is so sweet and good cat.
    I don't know what to do. If she is positive should I just finish it for her right away?
    Or should I keep caring for her and trying to get her back on her feet? I read that cats can live long with Cat Aids, it's just if they get infections that can be deadly. I'ts similar like human HIV virus.
    But my cat doesn't seem to have any infections yet, I think if she is positive it's just that her defences are very low at the moment.
    Do you think I can try to get her defences up so that she can last longer?
    What should I do. This is just killing me. I don't want to loose my cat, but am I selfish if I don't euthanase her? I'm heartbroken


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Sorry Jessie.....

    Give the cat a chance but don't prolong it's suffering........
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    It's a very hard decision Jessie but one I think only you can make, you obviously gave your cat a lot of love and a good life so far but if it is going to suffer or if you can't administer the antibiotics while you are away then putting her to sleep might be best. I would also consider the health of other cats that may come in contact with her, would it be fair to make someone else go thru this. It also wouldn't be fair on your cat to keep her locked up inside either.
    Either way sorry for your upset. xx

  4. #4
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    Default Well

    Quote Originally Posted by Jessie View Post
    Today my vet told me that my cat probably has Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or known as Cat Aids.
    I was in ireland a few weeks and left my cat home in very good condition. I came back home and found my cat very very thin and dehidrated and with no apetite and energie at all. Now she was also lost for a week so I thought because of that and that she was in heat and didn't drink or eat.
    But after a few days taking care of her she still the same.
    I brought her to the vet today and he told me she has all signs of having Cat Aids. I was devasted to hear that. My cat normally is an outdoor cat and now I feel so guilty I let her all the time outdoors and also alone when I go to Ireland. The vet said that she probably got the virus of some street cat, that's the risk of having your cat outdoors. They are more vulnerable catching diseases.
    Tomorrow my cat have to do some bloodtest and thursday I will know the results.
    The vet told me that if she is positive I have to decide to euthanase her or keep her and having to administer antibiotics etc

    I'm so so sad and crying the whole day. I love my cat so much. She is so sweet and good cat.
    I don't know what to do. If she is positive should I just finish it for her right away?
    Or should I keep caring for her and trying to get her back on her feet? I read that cats can live long with Cat Aids, it's just if they get infections that can be deadly. I'ts similar like human HIV virus.
    But my cat doesn't seem to have any infections yet, I think if she is positive it's just that her defences are very low at the moment.
    Do you think I can try to get her defences up so that she can last longer?
    What should I do. This is just killing me. I don't want to loose my cat, but am I selfish if I don't euthanase her? I'm heartbroken

    I had a cat last summer that i had to have put down because of aids but the cat wasnt young.Aids is quite common amongst cats.
    I know its hard and i knows its easy for me to say what i said but i have being in that position before and will be in it again.Always,always do whats right for the animal but wait and speak with the vet when he has the results.The age and health of the cat also have to be taken into account so if the cat is fairly young and not in any danger as of yet then it may be ok to administer antibiotics.

    Hopefully it will work out ok but if the vet says its best to have the cat put down then plz have it put down.Do whats right for the cat based on the advice of the vet.


  5. #5
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    Hi Jess,

    My local shelter rehomes cats with FIV. If shelters are rehoming cats with FIV, then I would think it is a disease that many cats can live with for many years? I hope your cat is ok.

    Pat x

  6. #6
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    Aug 2007


    My mum had a lovely cat last year that got cat AIDS the reason I & the vet thought was the huge explosion of stray cats around the cat fought with some of these cats regularly, bite wounds are a common way of cats getting cat AIDS, we were told that the cat might be fine for years without any symptoms ours started get sick after a month we had to get it put down
    sorry to hear Jessie.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Jessie View Post
    Today my vet told me that my cat probably has Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) or known as Cat Aids.
    I was in ireland a few weeks and left my cat home in very good condition. I came back home and found my cat very very thin and dehidrated and with no apetite and energie at all. Now she was also lost for a week so I thought because of that and that she was in heat and didn't drink or eat.
    But after a few days taking care of her she still the same.
    I brought her to the vet today and he told me she has all signs of having Cat Aids. I was devasted to hear that. My cat normally is an outdoor cat and now I feel so guilty I let her all the time outdoors and also alone when I go to Ireland. The vet said that she probably got the virus of some street cat, that's the risk of having your cat outdoors. They are more vulnerable catching diseases.
    Tomorrow my cat have to do some bloodtest and thursday I will know the results.
    The vet told me that if she is positive I have to decide to euthanase her or keep her and having to administer antibiotics etc

    I'm so so sad and crying the whole day. I love my cat so much. She is so sweet and good cat.
    I don't know what to do. If she is positive should I just finish it for her right away?
    Or should I keep caring for her and trying to get her back on her feet? I read that cats can live long with Cat Aids, it's just if they get infections that can be deadly. I'ts similar like human HIV virus.
    But my cat doesn't seem to have any infections yet, I think if she is positive it's just that her defences are very low at the moment.
    Do you think I can try to get her defences up so that she can last longer?
    What should I do. This is just killing me. I don't want to loose my cat, but am I selfish if I don't euthanase her? I'm heartbroken

    ì`m sorry for u to hear that.and really i understand u.if u want i will give u a cat,because my cat will have babies next month.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008


    It's not an easy decision to make. But I would take whatever advice the vet has and go with it. It's not easy losing a pet. They can't be replaced, their all unique. But you should get yourself another little kitten. It'll ease your loss.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  9. #9
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    Hi Jessie.
    I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Its terrible when a pet gets sick.
    As many have said, cats can live with feline aids if managed.
    So hopefull your cat needs a course of antibiotics to treat an infection and then you can go about building her strength back up.

    I hope this is the case jessie.

    Big hug

    Fiona xx

  10. #10
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    Default Yes they can live fine with it

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    Hi Jess,

    My local shelter rehomes cats with FIV. If shelters are rehoming cats with FIV, then I would think it is a disease that many cats can live with for many years? I hope your cat is ok.

    Pat x
    it depends on the cats age and condition.

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