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Thread: Interestin,amazing,fuckin usless facts

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by WD-40 View Post
    Interesting amazing fuckin usless facts
    anbody know any
    heres one,its impossible to kill yourself by holding your breath,all that time wasted tryin to kill my sister,shame
    ya know stuff like hitlers one ball
    the earth is the only planet not named after a god
    The average human body contains enough iron to make a small nail.

    There are 365 steps on the front of the U.S. Capital Building - one for every day of the year.

    The heart of an astronaut actually gets smaller when in outer space.

    The "vintage date" on a bottle of wine indicates the year that the grapes were picked, not the year of bottling.

    In India, people are legally allowed to marry dogs.

    Nearly 10% of American households dress their pets in Halloween costumes.

    The Yo-Yo originiated as a weapon in the Philippine Islands during the sixteenth century.

    For people that are lactose intolerant, chocolate aids in helping milk digest easier.

    Kittens are born both blind and deaf.

    The word "Eskimo" literally means 'raw meat eater'.

    The "Big Dipper" is known as "The Casserole" in France.

    Onions have no flavor, only a smell.

    In Tibet, it is considered good manners to stick out your tongue at someone.

    Only male fireflies can fly.

    Americans collectively eat 100 pounds of chocolate every second.

    Almonds are a member of the peach family.

    Mexican jumping beans jump because of moth larvae inside them.

    Only female mosquitos bite and drink blood.

    The venom of the king cobra is so deadly that just one gram of it can kill 150 people.
    Once a prick - always a prick.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default An original fact from Banned User

    All the amazing facts on this thread have been copied and pasted and none actually verified by any of the actual posters; except for this one, by me.

    (and the one about the cheese)


    If you stand anywhere on the Great Wall of China on a cloudless night, you can see the Moon (unless your blind/or not looking up/ or don't know how to identify the moon)
    Last edited by Banned User; 21-07-09 at 20:34. Reason: or an eclipse

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by banned user View Post
    all the amazing facts on this thread have been copied and pasted and none actually verified by any of the actual posters; except for this one, by me.

    (and the one about the cheese)


    If you stand anywhere on the great wall of china on a cloudless night, you can see the moon (unless your blind/or not looking up/ or don't know how to identify the moon)
    fuckin hate cheese
    mam mammy mam mam mam mammy

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Banned User View Post
    All the amazing facts on this thread have been copied and pasted and none actually verified by any of the actual posters; except for this one, by me.

    (and the one about the cheese)
    Excuse me!! I don't do copy and paste!! Highlight my text, google it and see if you get any hits!! The cheek of some people

  5. #15


    Apples are more effective at keeping people awake in the morning than caffeine
    YouTube - How many moons does earth have? - Qi - BBC

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    You use more calories eating and digesting an apple than are in an apple
    I have no signature at the moment

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    A paper cannot be folded more than 9 times.
    More calories are wasted by sleeping than sitting and watching tv.
    The first object with a number scanning label is the chewing gum.
    The Wright Brothers’ first flying journey is shorter than a Boeing 747 airplane’s wings.
    In 1987,after an airline company reduced a small piece of olive on every first class passenger’s meals,$350,000 USD was saved annually.
    Everyone drinks coffee to perk themselves up,but in fact an apple can perk one up more than a cup of coffee can.
    The majority of dust in your home consists of your own dead skin.
    The full name of the Barbie Doll is Barabra Millicent Roberts.
    When Hitler’s mum had Hitler,she once seriously considered abortion but the doctor persuaded her to keep the baby.
    .Marilyn Monroe has 6 toes on her foot.
    In the movie E.T,the sound of E.T’s footsteps are made by someone squashing oranges rotten.
    Pearls melt in vinegar.
    In the number of people posting marriage ads,35% are already married.
    You can pull a cow upstairs,but the cow will not know how to come down by itself.
    A pig cannot stare up at the sky.
    ”quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” has the 26 alphabets in it.
    A duck’s quack will not have echos,the reason til now is unknown.
    A snail can live for 3 years without food and sleeping.
    Tommy Lee Jones and America’s vice-president were roommates in Harvard.
    In a month,if the first day is Sunday then that particular month will have a Black Friday.
    Heating up a rock in the microwave oven will cause the rock to explode.
    1,111,111 x 1,111,111 = 1234567654321
    The only word that has 15 alphabets not reused in it is “uncopyrightable”.
    A cat can produce over 100 types of sounds,but a dog can only do 10.
    The darker the environment,the more frequent a cat’s passing urine times.
    If you toss a coin upwards 1000 times,the number of times of heads facing upwards is 495.
    According to the Newton dictionary the longest word in the world is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanocon…
    A human’s stomach will renew its food contents inside every 2 weeks,or else it will self-digest.
    Coke was originally green in colour.
    The Hawaiian language only has 12 alphabets.
    The country with the highest proportion of people walking to work is Alaska.
    If Barbie was a human,her measurements would be 39-23-33
    On average,the number of people in the air every hour in America is 61,000 people.
    Only honey will not turn bad forever.
    Near the Carribean sea there’s a species of oysters that knows how to climb trees.
    The world’s youngest parents appeared in 1910,an 8-year old and a 9 year-old Chinese people.
    A human’s ears and nose never stop growing bigger and bigger
    There’s a square-shaped melon in Japan,it was cultivated because of its convenience to place in refrigerators.
    A starfish has 8 eyes,one on each leg.
    Some insects’ eyes have hair.
    A giraffe’s tongue measures 2 feet long in length.
    An elephant can stand on its head.
    An ant will scratch itself when it wakes up.
    Thomas Edison is afraid of the dark.(so that’s why he invented the lightbulb lol)
    The world’s oldest goldfish is 41 years old,named Fred.
    Because of Einstein’s inability to speak at the age of 9,his mum once thought he
    was retarded.
    Arab women can initiate a divorce if their husbands don’t pour coffee for them.
    Only 55% of Americans know that the Sun is a star.
    Most lipglosses have fish scales content in them.
    Giraffes cannot cough.
    Owls are the only bird species able to differentiate numbers and colours.
    A whale’s heartbeat only averages 9 times every minute.
    The water that we drink into our body is already 3 billion years old.
    Only 30% of people can expand and contract their nostrils at will.
    A clam can switch its gender from male to female,and it will take place few times
    throughout its life.
    According to a British law passed in 1845,suicide is a very serious crime,death sentence of hanging is the punishment.
    In space,astronauts are unable to cry or shed tears because there’s no gravity pull hence the tears are unable to come out.
    A chameleon’s tongue is twice as long as its own body.
    Americans use toothpicks most often.
    On average a human must move his eye muscles for 10000 – 15000 times a day.
    An elephant will still remain at its standing position even when it has died.
    Some insects are still able to survive for a year without its heads.
    Da Vinci spent 12 years alone painting Mona Lisa’s lips.
    When glass shatters,the average speed for glass is 3000 miles per hour.
    A dairy cow can produce more milk when listening to music.
    A rose picked during afternoon can survive longer than a rose picked in the morning.
    Baby tiger sharks fight each other in the womb,the winner will be able to be born alive

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008


    New Zealand is a mile closer to Australia now after an earthquake last week.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

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