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Thread: What do I do???!!!

  1. #11


    I agree. Its better to just hire an escort who does roleplay and act out the scenario.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Duggan View Post
    I'm 49 years old for fuck sake and I ain't no prize.
    I'm looking for a new boy toy and you are only a wee whiper snapper compared to me. I ain't no prize an no surprise but I tells no lies to the boys who buys.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Duggan View Post
    OK I haven't been around here for a while. I'm coming back to Ireland this weekend to help a friend promote his new biz. The thing is his daughter has the hots for me bad. She's only recently turned 18 and finished school. She's always flirting with me when we're alone. I've never touched her nor have I ever made any advances on her. She's my buds daughter. I've known her since she was 9. I think this is fucked up. I find the situation really uncomfortable. She's been sending random nude pictures of herself to me since she was 16. It freaks me out all the time. I've never spoken to my wife or my friends about it. I can't. I just delete all the shit off my phone and email straight away.

    The thing is she's very attractive. She's very very very attracrive. I'm 49 years old for fuck sake and I ain't no prize. My sons at a similar age. He's tried it with her and she shot his ass down. Poor boy took it hard. I had to console him at the time. Meanwhile she's sending me nudie pics of herself. Christ.

    Guy's I need to hear some fucking addvice. What do I do?
    please give her my number

  4. #14

    Exclamation Thanks but I need more opinions

    Thanks for all the advice bothers and sister Dolly.

    I haven't been struggling with the urge to have sex with her. Jesus I'd never do that. I've known her since she was 9. That would be fucked up. I've just been struggling with what to do. How do I tell her it ain't going to happen without her going nuts?

    I could never tell my mate about it. No way that would work. The thing is we both see Escorts and are both cheating on our wives. The thing is if I tell him what his "little girl" has been doing then our friendship would explode. I value our friendship higher than my marriage. We know things about eachother our wives will never know. Because we both screw around I couldn't see him trusting anything I say about his daughter. He'd suspect that I fucked her and she'd go crazy and possibly support it. Hell she might go balistic and start saying mad shit like we're in love or something.

    I think the good brother Anon said it best. Maybe I shouldn't come to Ireland. Maybe that would be best. The problem is he really needs me to support his new promotions company. It would fuck him up badly if I don't show. This is shit.

    Guys more thoughts please.

  5. #15


    Darling! Dont avoid your country just because of a slutty teenager! Honestly, will you give the little slut this amount of power over your life? TAKE CONTROL AND BE A MAN. You're the adult here. She's the brat. Respect your friend for sure. If he is in this game with you, are you certain he will take it too hard if you tell him? He must afterall know that horniness runs in the bloodline. Just as my mother, father, grandparents were all crazy sex people, I got a dose also. But certainly dont go avoiding your country just because some little brat has the hots for you.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    It will look bad if you don't come to support your friend. It'll look worse if he finds out later. You have to carry on as normal. But while your there have a talk with this girl. Tell her that you feel it's inappropriate for anything to happen between the 2 of you. First of all your a married man and you wouldn't cheat on your wife. Point out to her the things you said, you knew her since she was nine, the age difference and the daughter of your friend and it wouldn't be the right thing to do.

    You don't know how she'll react but the first thing to do is have it out with her. It's only going to get worse by doing nothing. The longer it goes on the more she thinks theres something going on between you. If she says anything happened between you she would be lying. You have nothing to worry about as nothing did happen. I think she'll be a bit too embarrassed to say anything about nude photos and text messages. If you didn't reply to them she has nothing on you.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    First of all- Look after your mate. Friendship always come first.

    Tell her to stop. Dont ask her. Tell her.

    You owe her nothing after this. She will hate you now but respect you later.

    Enough said.

  8. Default Avoidance

    Mr Duggan

    I would advise you not to come to Ireland. your pal can do fine without being really frank.

    Its not the end of his business if you dont

    It cant be worth it

    This could all come out and you could be on a stretcher.

    I wud say stay whereever you are

    A young girl who's doing things like that is very troubled and neeeds help/psych attention

    Any word from Brutis the barber beefcake of late??

  9. #19

    Default OK Its done

    I came over to Ireland for the weekend on Friday. I did the whole promotions thing with my bud on Saturday eve and sure enough she hit on me again. But I told her to stop and that it would never happen. Naturally she took it bad and flipped at me. I stood my ground and told her to fuck-off. I kinda lost it at her actually. I just got on with the job and did what I was supposed to do.

    In the end she was really quiet for the rest of the night and said nothing to me. Total silent treatment. Yestderday afternoon I flew home and that was it. My bud's been in touch since and has only talked about the biz. So I think she said nothing.

    I hope everything's OK. I really didn't like having to do that. But I was so sick of all the weird photos and stuff. I'm glad its over. But I do feel guilty about goin' nuts at her. I hope she gets over it.

    Thanks for all the support guys and Dolly. I just couldn't talk to anyone in my life about this.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Thanks for all the support guys and Dolly. I just couldn't talk to anyone in my life about this.[/QUOTE]

    You made the right decision though in different circumstances I'm sure u would have loved to nail her to the bed......

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