For most of us, life is a chain of habits. The alarm goes off at the same time each morning, we make our coffee on autopilot without stopping to think about whether we really want it or not, we drive the same route to work, and then settle in for a day that is pretty much the same as yesterday.

Many of our daily habits can be beneficial — they provide us with structure, balance, and a sense of security. But what about those that aren't so good for us?

The caffeine or nicotine fix that gets us through? The gossip we've come to relish with colleagues at work? The soapies that steal precious exercise time? Most of us have at least one bad habit we'd like to shake, so why do we keep doing it if we know it's not good for us?

Think about when you learnt to drive. At first you had to really concentrate on what you were doing, but over time — as the new connections became entrenched in your brain — it became second nature. So it is with habits. If they're repeated often enough, they become second nature.

The way you approach people, as well as challenges and obstacles in your life, can also become habitual.

So what are your bad habits....??