Dolly's Temple Bar Dream:

So I'm always cool with making a bit of pocket change, and God did bless me with this lovely voice and all, so why not sing some songs and fill up my pockets? So I, Dolly, flop down my guitar case on the dirty Temple Bar street, and look both ways before putting in 2 fivers for good luck. I go ahead and start the song, some loopy tune about a fishmonger slapper named Molly that rhymes and has a job like Dolly, and sure a couple coins are tossed at me by two horny Scottish lads in Kilts. Yikes! Dolly must get the ball rolling here... so off goes the top, and it's a nice thing to play guitar against my tits. Wow, so lots more tips, this is looking brilliant, so why not... so... off goes the trousers, and it's a nice thing to play guitar against my pussy Wow, so lots more tips, lots more, my goodness, someone bring me a bucket for all this change! So, I pack up my guitar after 30 minutes and would ya look at that 1 million euro! and just as many phone numbers! To be sure, To be sure....
Dolly will be back!