I feel ye all should know the Herculean effort that Ric “The Man wooooooo” Flair is going to in trying to clear the huge back log of reviews that built up while he was on holidays. I have a suspicion that ye all timed it to go on a punting frenzy when ye knew he was heading off on the holiers…

The man is up all night working feverishly to get through them and is a task akin to toting up the points for Eurovision is scale and all he has to add the points with is this...

He was intending on keeping on top of things from the beach but his wifi left him down…

To make matters worse, upon his return to E-I HQ he found that his office space was systematically ransacked by everyone from mods to staff to tech dept. Even Patricia had a rifle through his drawers…

He is not a man easily defeated as his avatar will attest and he wanted me to tell you that he will have this sorted as soon as pos…

Three cheers for "the man"…