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Thread: why cant you copy and paste on your website

  1. Default why cant you copy and paste on your website

    it makes posting threads where you have found fake photographs very hard , also if you were able to right click the photographs on here and use the option "Search Google For Images" you would be able to cut out the fake pictures by half in a day or 2 by proving they are actually pornstars or models

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2018


    In order to do that, you must use your phone. Hold your thumb down on an image and tap save image. Then move it over to your computer. Works on iPhone anyway

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    When you see an image which you think may be fake, then you can left click that image and drag it to the search bar.
    This will bring up the image's link and you should be able to right click that way.

    If using Google or Firefox, you can actually download and extension called 'RevEye'.
    Right click on an image and this will also give you the option to search for photos on other pages as well as google.

    You can also use that link if you are wishing to upload photos onto the forums.

    Hope this helps,


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